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Rolling Fenders Make Nifty Hose Reel
Glenn McCrea, Lincoln, Ill., needed a reel to hold 100 ft. of pressure hose. He didn't want to spend the money for a commercial reel, so he made one himself using a pair of rolling fenders off an old field cultivator.
  The fender discs were originally 4 in. apart and connected at the center by a bolt. He welded a short length of pipe onto the bolt to lengthen it by 1 in. Then he attached a length of redi rod to the bracket that originally held the discs to the cultivator and bolted it to the shop wall. He welded a nut onto another short length of 3/8-in. dia. redi rod to make a crank.
  "To unroll the hose we just drag the hose out. To roll the hose up, we turn the crank. A good commercial reel sells for about $100 so I saved a lot of money," says McCrea.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glenn McCrea, Rt. 3, Lincoln, Ill. 62656 (ph 217 732-4519).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #5