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Belt-Mounted "Gun Rest" Relieves Back Pain
Carrying a gun while hunting can be hard on your arms, shoulders, and back, says Steve Danielson who invented a belt-mounted "gun rest" to solve his own back problems.
  His "Back-Saver Gun Rest" consists of a shock-absorbing elastic cord that forms a loop to support the butt of a rifle or shotgun. The cord attaches to a 2-in. wide leather loop that fits over a belt.
  "It takes only about 1/20th as much effort to balance a gun in the Back-Saver Gun Rest as it does to actually carry a gun without using one. As a result I can now hunt 10 hours a day non-stop and never feel it in my back," says Danielson. "When it's time to shoot and you raise your gun to fire, the Back-Saver Gun Rest drops away as though it's not even there. We recommend wearing one on each hip so you can switch carrying your gun from side to side occasionally and have better circulation in your arms, shoulders, and back."
  Sells for $14.95 plus $3.95 S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bear Paw Ltd., Box 137, Star Prairie, Wis. 54026 (ph 800 428-1837; E-mail: Sld@frontiernet.net; Website: www.butt-rest.com).

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2001 - Volume #25, Issue #3