Free Heat For Your Farm Shop
Used crankcase oil you've been throwing away can be used to fire the new Little Dragon waste oil burner, introduced by Benjamin Aviation and Machine, Fort Benton, Mont. "The burner unit is simple, safe and burns clean with no smoke or soot, and gives off no bad-smelling odors when installed and adjusted properly," Robert Benjamin, manufacturer, told FARM SHOW. "The Little Dragon was designed basically for use in a wood stove made from a 55 gal. oil drum. However, it works well in many other types of wood, coal or oil-burning stoves and furnaces." You'll like the price tag on this waste oil burner - only $132.50, which includes the burner unit, filter and complete installation and operating instructions. It burns any weight of oil, from diesel fuel up to about 50 weight engine oil. It is sold with a filter which removes water and large solid particles from the used oil. "There is no danger of the burner nozzle plugging from dirty oil," explains Benjamin. He notes that the burner requires a small amount of air from your farm shop compressor (about .3 cfm) to atomize the oil. "Because the oil is broken up into very fine particles and mixed with air, the unit lights easily, burns with very little residue, and requires practically no cleaning. It is an atmospheric-type burner which creates its own draft, thereby throwing a large tongue flame - up to about 6 ft. in length, explains Benjamin.
He adds that oil is gravity-fed from the supply tank, which can be located either inside or outside the building. The burner includes an all brass globe bulb for metering the oil, and an air pressure regulator for adjusting the amount of air to the nozzle. The flame is adjustable and easy to set. "Because of its manual controls, the Little Dragon is recommended for use in shops or other places where it can be supervised. It should not be left unattended when lit," cautions Benjamin. For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Benjamin Aviation and Machine, Box 1148, Fort Benton, Mont. 59442 (ph 406-734-5416).

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1978 - Volume #2, Issue #3