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Add-On "Funnell" For Truck Endgate
Leon Dick, Mt. Hope, Kan., made a 3-sided extension for his truck's endgate that makes it easier to direct grain into a grain auger's hopper without having to do a perfect job of backing up.
  The 3-sided extension is made from a single steel plate bent into a U-shape to form two vertical sides. The unit slips under the endgate and is held in place on each side by a 2 3/4-in. long draw latch.
  "It directs grain out in a narrower stream than if it came directly out of the endgate," says Dick. "I use it whenever I unload grain into my bins. My truck has a big endgate in the middle and also one at each corner. I use two extensions on each of my two trucks, one for each corner endgate. I also plan to build one for the trucks' middle endgates."
  Dick also came up with a way to keep any of the truck endgates in place at any desired height when unloading grain. It eliminates the need to hold the endgate up by hand. A 5/16-in. threaded bolt with a molded rubber tip at one end runs through a steel bracket that's bolted to the top of the endgate. A gate valve handle is mounted at the other end of the bolt. Turning the valve screws the rubber tipped end of the bolt against the truck body to hold the endgate in place.
  "It's really handy," says Dick. "In the past I've used a bunge strap to hold the endgate up but it isn't rigid enough. I've also tried using baling wire but it gets in the way all the time."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Leon Dick, 305 W. Main, Box 151, Mt. Hope, Kan. 67108 (ph 316 661-2692).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #3