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Mechanical Recorder Measures Engine's Actual Working Tim
Keeping track of actual work time, as opposed to time spent idle, is possible with this new "mechanical time recorder" which is imported from Australia by R & B Mfg., Inc., Riverside, Mo.
  "Custom combiners can use it to show their customers the exact amount of time spent harvesting crops. It also helps with preventative maintenance by telling you how many hours the engine has actually been working as opposed to idling," notes R & B's Richard Hedgecock.
  The recorder consists of a weatherproof clock that simply bolts onto the frame of the vehicle. A circular piece of chart paper slips into the back of the clock. A sapphire stylus attached to a freely oscillating pendulum picks up the vibration of the machine and etches the chart, recording running and idle or stop times. All stoppages are clearly recorded according to time, duration and frequency.
  Two different models are available - one with a recording period of 24 hours and the other with a recording period of 8 days. Both models are accurate to within two minutes. No recording can be erased or altered undetected. The unit is equipped with a safety lock and a key.
  Sells for $598 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, R & B Mfg., Inc., 4948 NW High Drive, Riverside, Mo. 64150 (ph 816 587-9814; fax 4294).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #2