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Nifty Cab For ATV's
Working in bad weather on an ATV is a lot easier with this new ATV cab introduced at the recent Husker Harvest Days near Grand Island, Neb.
  The Comfort Cover is 38 in. wide, 71 in. long, and 43 1/2 in. high. The wind and waterproof enclosure is made from heavy duty poly stretched over a strong but lightweight steel frame that attaches to the ATV with front and rear brackets. The poly is fastened into place with Velcro patches. Vinyl side doors zipper shut.
  "It keeps you out of the rain and cold and traps some of the engine's heat to help keep you warm," says inventor Michael Kraft. "It's small enough that you can still travel easily through woods, brush, and other tight places. The oversized front windshield offers maximum visibility, while side and rear windows allow for a 360 degree view. The cab can be quickly removed when not needed.
  "It really comes in handy on our ranch during the spring calving season, when the weather is often cold and miserable. The driver can bring the calf right inside the cab with him. On our ranch we throw the calf right over the gas tank, with the calf's mother following behind."
  Models are available to fit all ATV brands. Available in black and camouflage.
  Sells for $279 plus S&H.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Michael A. Kraft, 3630 South Locust, Grand Island, Neb. 68801 (ph 308 382-3181).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #6