1999 - Volume #23, Issue #6, Page #38
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Tool Tree Keeps You Oraganized
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Glyn and Joy Newman of Whitewood, Sask., grew frustrated with the mess their tools made in their garage and shop.
"We had everything stuffed into five-gallon pails and they were always falling over," Glyn confesses. "Joy suggested that we hang our tools on the wall but I didn't like that idea."
Instead, Glyn set about designing a storage system built from a 1-in. sq. tubing. Through trial and error, he learned how to balance the unit and make it so all types of tools would fit. The Tool Tree is painted black. The base serves as a stand for straight-handled tools such as rakes, hoes and brooms while the top section has hooks for scoop shovels, snow shovels, and any other tool capable of being hung.
Newman came up with three different models, which use varying amounts of floor space and accommodate different quantities of tools. The deluxe model can hold more than 30 tools. It has nine accessories available for expansion purposes.
The base unit comes with 4-in. long pieces of various-sized sq. tubing inserts and angle iron for sizing the handle holders on the base. These materials may be used alone or in combination with each other as required.
"The Tool Tree" comes with a lifetime guarantee. A free information package is available on request.
The three models of base units sell for $49.99, $64.99, and $119.99, respectively, and accessories range in price from $6.99 to $22.99.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glyn Newman, Box 929, Whitewood, Sask., Canada, S0G 5CO (ph 306 735-7619, 2361, or 7615).

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