Anhydrous System "Most Accurate Ever Developed"
More accurate and more uniform application rates are promised with this new anhydrous ammonia application system that converts all the ammonia to a liquid form. What's more, a new cold weather kit allows the application of anhydrous in much colder weather than has ever been possible, greatly extending the season for both farmers and custom applicators.
"Exactrix Direct Injection" came on the market to a limited extent a year ago and is now ready to go into full production.
The company says its "Exactrix" system is the most accurate anhydrous ammonia distribution system ever developed. "It allows farmers to reduce ammonia rates by up to 10 percent because it results in no variations in the application rate between rows. Application rates with conventional ammonia applicators vary by up to 20 percent between rows," says distributor Eugene Breker of Fargo Products, Fargo, N.Dak.
The system uses a pump (ground or hydraulic-driven) and manifold to increase the line pressure of anhydrous ammonia above the tank pressure, completely eliminating vapor and allowing you to direct inject all the ammonia as liquid. Specially designed orifices in the hoses maintain back pressure in the system and deliver exact row-to-row distribution.
"Conventional ammonia application systems are inherently inaccurate because a lot of the ammonia comes out in a gas form," says Breker. "The best you can hope for is about 85 percent liquid, which means 15 percent is gas. The gas takes up more space and randomly displaces the liquid, so the accuracy of the application rate goes way down and there's a lot of variation between rows. As a result, most farmers over apply to compensate for those outlets that are under applying.
"You don't have to over apply ammonia with our system because it keeps all the ammonia in liquid form and meters it very accurately with almost no variation between rows. That allows you to reduce the application rate and save money. The precise metering means this system also works great with GPS variable rate systems. When you change rates on-the-go there's an instantaneous response, unlike conventional ammonia systems which have 6 to 10 seconds of æhang time'."
Breker says another advantage of applying all-liquid ammonia is that you don't have to worry about it freezing up as it enters the soil. As a result you can use no-till coulters to apply the product. The coulters disturb very little of the soil surface and also require less horsepower.
The Exactrix system is priced above conventional ammonia application systems, notes Breker, "but there's a value there that farmers get by being able to reduce application rates."
The company's cold weather system, which will allow you to apply anhydrous in near freezing weather, will be introduced in December.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Exactrix Global Systems LLC, East 3310 Trent Ave., Spokane, Wash. 99202 (ph 509 535-9925; fax 509 535-9989; Web site:; E-mail:

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Anhydrous System "Most Accurate Ever Developed" FERTILIZER APPLICATION Fertilizer Application (58f) 23-6-36 More accurate and more uniform application rates are promised with this new anhydrous ammonia application system that converts all the ammonia to a liquid form. What's more, a new cold weather kit allows the application of anhydrous in much colder weather than has ever been possible, greatly extending the season for both farmers and custom applicators.
"Exactrix Direct Injection" came on the market to a limited extent a year ago and is now ready to go into full production.
The company says its "Exactrix" system is the most accurate anhydrous ammonia distribution system ever developed. "It allows farmers to reduce ammonia rates by up to 10 percent because it results in no variations in the application rate between rows. Application rates with conventional ammonia applicators vary by up to 20 percent between rows," says distributor Eugene Breker of Fargo Products, Fargo, N.Dak.
The system uses a pump (ground or hydraulic-driven) and manifold to increase the line pressure of anhydrous ammonia above the tank pressure, completely eliminating vapor and allowing you to direct inject all the ammonia as liquid. Specially designed orifices in the hoses maintain back pressure in the system and deliver exact row-to-row distribution.
"Conventional ammonia application systems are inherently inaccurate because a lot of the ammonia comes out in a gas form," says Breker. "The best you can hope for is about 85 percent liquid, which means 15 percent is gas. The gas takes up more space and randomly displaces the liquid, so the accuracy of the application rate goes way down and there's a lot of variation between rows. As a result, most farmers over apply to compensate for those outlets that are under applying.
"You don't have to over apply ammonia with our system because it keeps all the ammonia in liquid form and meters it very accurately with almost no variation between rows. That allows you to reduce the application rate and save money. The precise metering means this system also works great with GPS variable rate systems. When you change rates on-the-go there's an instantaneous response, unlike conventional ammonia systems which have 6 to 10 seconds of æhang time'."
Breker says another advantage of applying all-liquid ammonia is that you don't have to worry about it freezing up as it enters the soil. As a result you can use no-till coulters to apply the product. The coulters disturb very little of the soil surface and also require less horsepower.
The Exactrix system is priced above conventional ammonia application systems, notes Breker, "but there's a value there that farmers get by being able to reduce application rates."
The company's cold weather system, which will allow you to apply anhydrous in near freezing weather, will be introduced in December.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Exactrix Global Systems LLC, East 3310 Trent Ave., Spokane, Wash. 99202 (ph 509 535-9925; fax 509 535-9989; Web site:; E-mail:
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