"Handy-Dump" Plastic Basket
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The basket is made from sturdy plastic and measures 13 in. wide, 12 in. high, and 22 1/2 in. long. It fits inside a steel frame that rests on the bottom of the handcart and is secured to it by four wing nuts. You dump the basket by pulling a latch and lifting up on a handle attached to the basket. By removing the wing nuts you can quickly remove the basket and use the handcart conventionally.
It lets you use your handcart to do a variety of jobs which makes it much more useful. Works great for hauling just about anything you can haul in a wheelbarrow including leaves, garden stuff, sand, etc. It completely empties out when it's dumped.
Sells for $69.95 plus S&H. (Ervin Matzke, Box 7225, Rochester, Minn. 55903 ph 800 369-0482 or Service Systems Engineering, Rt. 1, Box 64, Jackson, Minn. 56143)

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"Handy-Dump" Plastic Basket FARM HOME Miscellaneous 23-6-35 The basket is made from sturdy plastic and measures 13 in. wide, 12 in. high, and 22 1/2 in. long. It fits inside a steel frame that rests on the bottom of the handcart and is secured to it by four wing nuts. You dump the basket by pulling a latch and lifting up on a handle attached to the basket. By removing the wing nuts you can quickly remove the basket and use the handcart conventionally.
It lets you use your handcart to do a variety of jobs which makes it much more useful. Works great for hauling just about anything you can haul in a wheelbarrow including leaves, garden stuff, sand, etc. It completely empties out when it's dumped.
Sells for $69.95 plus S&H. (Ervin Matzke, Box 7225, Rochester, Minn. 55903 ph 800 369-0482 or Service Systems Engineering, Rt. 1, Box 64, Jackson, Minn. 56143)
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