Home-Built 4-Row Flame Weed Cultivator
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I'm trying to completely eliminate the use of chemicals on my farm, so I bought a commercial kit to build my own 3-pt. mounted, 6-row flame weed cultivator. The kit that I bought included the burners, burner mounting brackets, hoses, and controls. The company also offered an LP tank and a steel frame to support it, as well as the toolbar on which the burners mount but they wanted more than $2,000 for those components. I didn't want to pay that much so I made my own frame and toolbar and converted an old 100-gal. anhydrous ammonia tank. I cleaned out the tank and changed the fittings and valves. The burners can be adjusted up or down, from side to side, or tilted at different angles with a wrench. (Victor Larson, 1163 W. Townline Rd., Freesoil, Mich. 49411 ph 231 464-5619)

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Home-Built 4-Row Flame Weed Cultivator CROPS Weed Control 23-6-34 I'm trying to completely eliminate the use of chemicals on my farm, so I bought a commercial kit to build my own 3-pt. mounted, 6-row flame weed cultivator. The kit that I bought included the burners, burner mounting brackets, hoses, and controls. The company also offered an LP tank and a steel frame to support it, as well as the toolbar on which the burners mount but they wanted more than $2,000 for those components. I didn't want to pay that much so I made my own frame and toolbar and converted an old 100-gal. anhydrous ammonia tank. I cleaned out the tank and changed the fittings and valves. The burners can be adjusted up or down, from side to side, or tilted at different angles with a wrench. (Victor Larson, 1163 W. Townline Rd., Freesoil, Mich. 49411 ph 231 464-5619)
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