Pickup-Mounted Wire Roller-Unroller
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We've been making this ground-driven, pickup-mounted wire roller-unroller for many years but it's just as popular as ever. It lets you drive beside the fence and unroll or roll up wire as fast as you can drive. It uses three pulleys and a reel that mounts at one end of a steel shaft that mounts across the width of the pickup bed. The bottom pulley is fastened to a frame that attaches to the pickup wheel rim. The pulley sets out 10 in. from the center of the wheel hub and has adjustable spokes to fit different wheel sizes. A spring-loaded idler arm keeps the belt tight even when you go over bumps.
The reel holds more than a mile of smooth wire or up to 80 rods of barbed wire. It's really a time saver when putting up or taking down electric fence.
Sells for $259 plus S&H. (Grainfield Supply Inc., Box 169, Grainfield, Kan. 67737 ph 785 673-4321; fax 4314)

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Pickup-Mounted Wire Roller-Unroller PICKUPS Accessories 23-6-33 We've been making this ground-driven, pickup-mounted wire roller-unroller for many years but it's just as popular as ever. It lets you drive beside the fence and unroll or roll up wire as fast as you can drive. It uses three pulleys and a reel that mounts at one end of a steel shaft that mounts across the width of the pickup bed. The bottom pulley is fastened to a frame that attaches to the pickup wheel rim. The pulley sets out 10 in. from the center of the wheel hub and has adjustable spokes to fit different wheel sizes. A spring-loaded idler arm keeps the belt tight even when you go over bumps.
The reel holds more than a mile of smooth wire or up to 80 rods of barbed wire. It's really a time saver when putting up or taking down electric fence.
Sells for $259 plus S&H. (Grainfield Supply Inc., Box 169, Grainfield, Kan. 67737 ph 785 673-4321; fax 4314)
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