"Emergency" Hopper For Bin-Fill Auger
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Here's an idea I came across in my travels. It's an "emergency" hopper for a bin-fill auger. You just dig a hole in the ground for the end of the auger, and then put a piece of plywood on either side of the hole. Just cut a half circle in the side of both pieces of plywood to fit around the end of the auger. Then drop the grain onto the plywood. (C.F. Marley, Nokomis, Ill.)

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"Emergency" Hopper For Bin-Fill Auger AUGERS Augers (29B) 23-6-33 Here's an idea I came across in my travels. It's an "emergency" hopper for a bin-fill auger. You just dig a hole in the ground for the end of the auger, and then put a piece of plywood on either side of the hole. Just cut a half circle in the side of both pieces of plywood to fit around the end of the auger. Then drop the grain onto the plywood. (C.F. Marley, Nokomis, Ill.)
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