Rigid Lift Fingers Get Under Flattened Crops
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Any farmer knows that a downed crop can be a nightmare to harvest, and even the most valiant attempt can leave behind a field that looks like a lunatic with a berserk cutting machine has visited. Not only does it look like a mess, but significant losses occur because some of the crop simply evades the cutter bar.
Lift fingers were first invented years ago to help harvest downed crops, bolting to the guards on swathers or straight-cut headers to lift the crop up ahead of the cutterbar.
Rene Page of Legal, Alberta felt that the lift fingers on the market weren't quite good enough. He came up with a new design that is rigid and comes in three different sizes to fit any cutting machine. Because they are rigid, the lift fingers don't flex and ride up and over the crop. They also won't bend backward and do damage to the cutting unit, which can happen with some other fingers. There are no moving parts.
Page sells his lift fingers for $15.99 (Canada) each. This factory-direct price includes freight in western Canada with pre-paid orders.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rene Page, New Concept Mfg. Ltd., Box 32, Vimy, Alberta, Canada T0G 2J0 (ph 780 961-3835 or 780 459-9788 (evenings); fax 780 460-7554).

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Rigid Lift Fingers Get Under Flattened Crops MOWERS Mowers (31H) 23-6-31 Any farmer knows that a downed crop can be a nightmare to harvest, and even the most valiant attempt can leave behind a field that looks like a lunatic with a berserk cutting machine has visited. Not only does it look like a mess, but significant losses occur because some of the crop simply evades the cutter bar.
Lift fingers were first invented years ago to help harvest downed crops, bolting to the guards on swathers or straight-cut headers to lift the crop up ahead of the cutterbar.
Rene Page of Legal, Alberta felt that the lift fingers on the market weren't quite good enough. He came up with a new design that is rigid and comes in three different sizes to fit any cutting machine. Because they are rigid, the lift fingers don't flex and ride up and over the crop. They also won't bend backward and do damage to the cutting unit, which can happen with some other fingers. There are no moving parts.
Page sells his lift fingers for $15.99 (Canada) each. This factory-direct price includes freight in western Canada with pre-paid orders.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rene Page, New Concept Mfg. Ltd., Box 32, Vimy, Alberta, Canada T0G 2J0 (ph 780 961-3835 or 780 459-9788 (evenings); fax 780 460-7554).
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