Pickup-Mounted "Bumper Hoist" Folds Down Out Of The Way
"Our new heavy-duty rear bumper quickly converts into a handy hoist that'll handle up to 850 lbs.," says Dave Zimmer, Schlagel Mfg., Torrington, Wyo., who introduced the company's "bumper hoist" at the recent Husker Harvest Show near Grand Island, Neb.
The new bumper replaces the pickup's original bumper. It operates off a self-contained hydraulic system that consists of a pump with a built-in control valve and two hydraulic cylinders. The first cylinder raises the main mast up to a vertical position. The second one raises the lift arm. A pair of stands are used to support the back of the vehicle while a load is being raised.
Hydraulic controls mount inside one end of the bumper.
"It doesn't detract from the overall appearance of the vehicle and has a built-in receiver hitch. No tools are required to use it," says Zimmer. "It can lift up to 83 1/2 in. high. The vertical post on the hoist pivots a full 360 degrees. If you need more length the loading arm can be extended by removing a pin and sliding an inner steel tube to the desired length, then re-installing the pin."
Sells for under $2,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Schlagel Mfg., Rt. 1, Box 155C, Torrington, Wyo. 82240 (ph 888 889-1504 or 307 532-4451; fax 8994; E-mail: schlagel@prairieweb.com; Website: www.schlagel.net).

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Pickup-Mounted "Bumper Hoist" Folds Down Out Of The Way PICKUPS Accessories 23-6-31 "Our new heavy-duty rear bumper quickly converts into a handy hoist that'll handle up to 850 lbs.," says Dave Zimmer, Schlagel Mfg., Torrington, Wyo., who introduced the company's "bumper hoist" at the recent Husker Harvest Show near Grand Island, Neb.
The new bumper replaces the pickup's original bumper. It operates off a self-contained hydraulic system that consists of a pump with a built-in control valve and two hydraulic cylinders. The first cylinder raises the main mast up to a vertical position. The second one raises the lift arm. A pair of stands are used to support the back of the vehicle while a load is being raised.
Hydraulic controls mount inside one end of the bumper.
"It doesn't detract from the overall appearance of the vehicle and has a built-in receiver hitch. No tools are required to use it," says Zimmer. "It can lift up to 83 1/2 in. high. The vertical post on the hoist pivots a full 360 degrees. If you need more length the loading arm can be extended by removing a pin and sliding an inner steel tube to the desired length, then re-installing the pin."
Sells for under $2,000.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Schlagel Mfg., Rt. 1, Box 155C, Torrington, Wyo. 82240 (ph 888 889-1504 or 307 532-4451; fax 8994; E-mail: schlagel@prairieweb.com; Website: www.schlagel.net).
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