Lightweight Fiberglass Gates, Pens, Feeding Panels, Stalls
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Two years ago FARM SHOW featured new lightweight fiberglass gates from Poly Pride, Inc., Lancaster, Ohio (Vol. 21, No. 6). Now the company has expanded its product line to include pens, corrals, round bale feeders, feeding panels, stalls, hog gates, and riding/roping arenas.
All the products use 3-in. wide fiberglass rails with an exterior coating that protects against damaging ultra-violet rays. The feeder panels are available with custom-sized openings. Standard feeder panels are 4 ft. tall with five rails but can be custom made up to 16 ft. long. The round bale feeders are 6 ft. long and 4 ft. tall but can be built to any size. The feeder comes with a gate on one side. To load a bale into the feeder, you just pull a pin and swing the gate open - there's no need to use a front-end loader. Corrals can be assembled to any size.
The gates come with a pair of heavy-duty steel strap hinges that can be mounted to any wooden post.
"The fiberglass material is tough, won't rust and will never need painting," says the company. "It looks great and needs no maintenance. The fiberglass has a 20,000-psi tensile strength so it's very strong. You can't dent it and if it gets bent, it just straightens back up. In addition, the material won't conduct electricity, so running a hot wire across it is very simple."
An 8-ft. sq. pen sells for $275.80 plus S&H; a 12-ft. sq. pen; $359.80 plus S&H. A 6-ft. sq. bale feeder sells for $219.80. The feeding panels sell for $49.95 and up.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Poly Pride, Inc., 724-C South Columbus St., Lancaster, Ohio 43130 (ph 740 681-1114; fax 1006).

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Lightweight Fiberglass Gates, Pens, Feeding Panels, Stalls FENCING Gates 23-6-30 Two years ago FARM SHOW featured new lightweight fiberglass gates from Poly Pride, Inc., Lancaster, Ohio (Vol. 21, No. 6). Now the company has expanded its product line to include pens, corrals, round bale feeders, feeding panels, stalls, hog gates, and riding/roping arenas.
All the products use 3-in. wide fiberglass rails with an exterior coating that protects against damaging ultra-violet rays. The feeder panels are available with custom-sized openings. Standard feeder panels are 4 ft. tall with five rails but can be custom made up to 16 ft. long. The round bale feeders are 6 ft. long and 4 ft. tall but can be built to any size. The feeder comes with a gate on one side. To load a bale into the feeder, you just pull a pin and swing the gate open - there's no need to use a front-end loader. Corrals can be assembled to any size.
The gates come with a pair of heavy-duty steel strap hinges that can be mounted to any wooden post.
"The fiberglass material is tough, won't rust and will never need painting," says the company. "It looks great and needs no maintenance. The fiberglass has a 20,000-psi tensile strength so it's very strong. You can't dent it and if it gets bent, it just straightens back up. In addition, the material won't conduct electricity, so running a hot wire across it is very simple."
An 8-ft. sq. pen sells for $275.80 plus S&H; a 12-ft. sq. pen; $359.80 plus S&H. A 6-ft. sq. bale feeder sells for $219.80. The feeding panels sell for $49.95 and up.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Poly Pride, Inc., 724-C South Columbus St., Lancaster, Ohio 43130 (ph 740 681-1114; fax 1006).
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