1999 - Volume #23, Issue #6, Page #23
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Farm Wife Loved Husband's Mailbox Gift
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Scott says the total cost for the project was about $50 and he spent a week working on it for a couple of hours each nightą.without Carolyn ever finding out. He started with a plain new mailbox and used a horse pattern he got at a local craft store to do the rest.
The legs and head were cut from wood and then bolted on. The mane and tail are made from frayed jute rope that has been glued on. The eyes and white body spots are painted on with model paint. Scott lacquered the whole thing so the paint would stay on longer. If he were to do it over he'd use real horsehair for the mane and tail because they wouldn't deteriorate in the weather. He used pink stick-on letters for their name, since that's Carolyn's favorite color, but plans to replace them with glued-on wooden letters which show up better.
The box has a wooden plate screwed to its underside and a steel plate screwed to that. Another plate is welded onto the post arm and the mailbox can be easily installed or removed with a center pin, hole and clip.
"When we first put it up we took the mailbox down every weekend because we were afraid someone would vandalize it, but lately we've been leaving it up," says Carolyn..
Scott built a Deere tractor mailbox for his father, which took longer because there were more pieces. His dad likes it so much he has been too afraid to put it up at all, though.
"We've had a lot of compliments and interest in our horse mailbox and many people have asked Scott to build one for them. He now takes orders on a custom basis."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Carolyn Bell, R.R.1, Barrhead, Alberta, Canada T7N 1N2 (ph 780-674-5576).

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