1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #07
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Home-Built Header, Feederhouse Movers
"I made a great header mover using the feederhouse plate off an old combine," says Wallace Parrott, Lebanon, Kent., who says he built the mover (at right) so he could store headers closer together in storage and move them for wintertime repairs without starting up the combine."You simply cut or unbolt the plate from the combine framework and fit it with 3-pt. hookups. A little trial and error is required to get the right angle to mount on the tractor. It's a good idea to make it easy to change the pitch of the mover by installing an adjustable top link. One word of caution - make sure you've got a big enough tractor to handle the head you want to move."
Parrott also built a feederhouse mover that doubles as a repair stand. "It consists of an `L'-shaped framework - made out of 3-in. sq. steel tubing and channel iron - that mounts on the tractor 3-pt. . The upright part of the framework sup-ports the front of the feederhouse. The lower, horizontal framework supports the throat of the feederhouse with the help of a single telescoping upright. To dismount from the combine, I simply drive up to the combine and maneuver the mover up against the feederhouse. The front mounting brackets adjust both vertically and horizontally, and the telescoping support tube adjusts with a ratchet. When the mover is in position, I unfasten the hardware securing the feederhouse to the combine and then back away.
"I built it because I was tired of setting the feederhouse off on blocks. This works great for storing and repairs. I've never seen anything on the market like it. It cost me about $100 for steel."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wallace Parrott, Rt. 2, Box 475, Lebanon, Kent. 40033.

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