Got Beaver? Here's How To Get Rid Of Them
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A device designed to "beat beavers" has worked wherever it's been tried, according to recently published reports. The Beaver Pond Leveler, developed several years ago at Clemson University by Gene Wood, has been tried in 44 states and throughout Canada.
Wood says beavers hate leaks in their dams so his approach was creating a leak that couldn't be plugged. He tried a pipe with holes in it but they would plug it up. He tried putting the pipe inside a box but the pesky animals buried them as fast as he could put them in.
He finally came up with a design that consists of pvc pipe with holes in it suspended inside a wire cage. The large number of holes in the pipe spreads out the flow of water to keep the current to a minimum and the cage keeps the beavers far enough away that they can't sense where the water is going. Woods recommends putting the pipe underwater so the beaver can't hear the water gurgling as it enters the pipe.
For more information on the Clemson Beaver Pond Leveler, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clemson University, Department of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Wildlife, P.O. Box 340362, Clemson, S.C. 29634.

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Got Beaver? Here's How To Get Rid Of ĉEm MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Pest Animals 23-6-4 A device designed to "beat beavers" has worked wherever it's been tried, according to recently published reports. The Beaver Pond Leveler, developed several years ago at Clemson University by Gene Wood, has been tried in 44 states and throughout Canada.
Wood says beavers hate leaks in their dams so his approach was creating a leak that couldn't be plugged. He tried a pipe with holes in it but they would plug it up. He tried putting the pipe inside a box but the pesky animals buried them as fast as he could put them in.
He finally came up with a design that consists of pvc pipe with holes in it suspended inside a wire cage. The large number of holes in the pipe spreads out the flow of water to keep the current to a minimum and the cage keeps the beavers far enough away that they can't sense where the water is going. Woods recommends putting the pipe underwater so the beaver can't hear the water gurgling as it enters the pipe.
For more information on the Clemson Beaver Pond Leveler, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Clemson University, Department of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Wildlife, P.O. Box 340362, Clemson, S.C. 29634.
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