Do It Yourself Engine Gaskets
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You can make gaskets to seal almost any engine part with new "gasket on a roll" made out of a material that's unaffected by fuels, oil or other engine liquids and will never harden or age. It can withstand ternperatures up to 600?F without deterioration.
Gore-Tex gasket material comes in narrow strips on a roll. It has self-adhesive backing that lets you place it wherever you want it and it'll stay there during reassembly of the parts.
"You can form gaskets of any size and shape so you don't need to inventory lots of `stock' gaskets or run to the parts store every time you disassemble parts on your engine," says John Blaha, manufacturer.
Gore-Tex gasket material comes in four different thicknesses and can be "stacked" if needed to fill a larger gap. It compresses to tightly seal even pitted or corroded surfaces and can even be used over an old hard gasket that no longer seals. And when it's time to remove a Gore-Tex gasket, it simply peels off without sticking. Never needs scraping, says Blaha, noting that the material works great on water pumps, valve covers, intake manifolds, thermostat housings, oil pans, trans-mission case, differential covers, and any other part normally sealed with a gasket.
Sizes range from .25 mm for precision work to 2 mm for general use. A 6-ft. long roll of 2 mm thick Gore-Tex sells for $11.95 plus $2.50 S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gore-Tex Automotive Gaskets, P.O. Box 1010, Elkton, MD 21922-1010 (ph 410 392-3200).

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Do it yourself engine gaskets HOG EQUIPMENT & IDEAS Hog Equipment & Ideas (351) 17-5-34 You can make gaskets to seal almost any engine part with new "gasket on a roll" made out of a material that's unaffected by fuels, oil or other engine liquids and will never harden or age. It can withstand ternperatures up to 600?F without deterioration.
Gore-Tex gasket material comes in narrow strips on a roll. It has self-adhesive backing that lets you place it wherever you want it and it'll stay there during reassembly of the parts.
"You can form gaskets of any size and shape so you don't need to inventory lots of `stock' gaskets or run to the parts store every time you disassemble parts on your engine," says John Blaha, manufacturer.
Gore-Tex gasket material comes in four different thicknesses and can be "stacked" if needed to fill a larger gap. It compresses to tightly seal even pitted or corroded surfaces and can even be used over an old hard gasket that no longer seals. And when it's time to remove a Gore-Tex gasket, it simply peels off without sticking. Never needs scraping, says Blaha, noting that the material works great on water pumps, valve covers, intake manifolds, thermostat housings, oil pans, trans-mission case, differential covers, and any other part normally sealed with a gasket.
Sizes range from .25 mm for precision work to 2 mm for general use. A 6-ft. long roll of 2 mm thick Gore-Tex sells for $11.95 plus $2.50 S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gore-Tex Automotive Gaskets, P.O. Box 1010, Elkton, MD 21922-1010 (ph 410 392-3200).
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