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Locking Wheel Chock
"My adjustable wheel chock can be used to hold anything from a 6-in. dia. wheel to an implement wheel. It locks automatically and I don't even have to bend down to use it," says Chester Clark, Ewing, Mo.
  "I built it because I needed a way to keep my airplane stationary inside a hangar. It was hard to keep wood chocks from sliding along the hangar's epoxy-coated floor."
  Made from wood and metal, the patented wheel chock consists of two parts. One part contains a gear with a stub shaft locking mechanism extending up out of it. The other part is a "rack gear" that the gear housing rides along. The stub shaft has a small pin through it.
  To use the chock you place both parts alongside the tire, then use a plastic tubular handle equipped with a J-hook at the bottom to move both chock parts against the tire at the same time.
  Clark says he's looking for a manufacturer.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chester L. Clark, 840 County Road 115, Ewing, Mo. 63440 (ph 573 439-5918).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #4