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Device Lets You Inject Air Into Faucet To Prevent Freezing In Winter
Dan Brown, Christoval, Texas: "I've developed a device that screws onto an outside water faucet that lets you inject air into the faucet to prevent freezing in winter. I call it a Freeze Prevention Connector and it simply screws onto any out side faucet. You attach an air hose, open the water valve, and pump in enough air to push the water back into the building or under the ground. Then close the water valve. When you need water again, all you have to do is open the valve and the air will come out ahead of the water.
  "This eliminates the need to shut off the water inside the building, or to drain the pipes. And eliminates the need for freeze-proof valves.
  "I have a patent pending on the device and hope to put it on the market soon."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dan Brown, Texas Gems, P.O. Box 555, Christoval, Texas 76935 (ph 915 255-2254).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #1