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Portable "Corral Kit" Is Easy To Set Up
This portable "corral kit" lets you quickly and easily set up a 50-ft. sq. corral anywhere you need to temporarily contain an animal.
The kit includes everything needed to set up the corral, including a powerful, battery-operated fence charger, wire, posts, insulators, grounding rod with connectors, tie-downs for corners, a fence tester, gate handles, and all connections needed to make the gate. All components fit into a 2-ft. long cloth bag that can be snapped onto any horse saddle.
"It's the most complete portable corral kit on the market. You don't need to take any-thing else with you," says the company. "It's ideal for containing animals at horse shows, for pasture rotation, crop protection, around gardens - any situation where temporary containment is needed.
"The fence charger will last up to 30 days." Sells for $150 plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dare Products, Inc., Box 157 - 860 Betterly Rd., Battle Creek, Mich. 49016 (ph 616 965-2307; fax 3261).

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #4