1988 - Volume #12, Issue #6, Page #06
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Super Filter Heads Off Sprayer Problems
A "super filter" for sprayers, built from conventional well water filter traps, virtually eliminates clogged nozzles and the resulting exposure to chemicals for Dave White and Jim Spelman, Farmersville, Ill.White and Spelman mounted three 9-in. long by 2-in. dia. filters on an angle iron frame. The three filters divide up the flow of water which is controlled by inlet and outlet valves. The filtering unit mounts on the bed of a tandem truck equipped with three tanks. By pulling a single pin, the farmers can remove the unit for use on other spray tanks.
White and Spelman carry all water and chemicals on a tandem axle truck. A rear-mounted 1,500 gal. tank contains water. Two up-front 500-gal. tanks carry mixed solution.
"We've set up the system so we have minimum exposure to chemicals," notes White. "We pump water out of the rear 1,500 gal. tank, through the filters, and into one of the 500 gal. tanks where we mix the chemicals. Flow capacity of the filter unit is about 60-70 gpm so we fill the up-front tanks at the slower rate and then pump out to spray tanks at 250 gpm. We change the throw-away filters about twice a day. Total cost was $100 for offthe-shelf parts from a local farm supply store."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dave White, RR 1, Box 62, Farmersville, Ill. 62533 (ph 217 227-3659).

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