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'Centipede' Socket Holder
Universal Sales, Box 55, McLeod, N. Dak. 58057 ph 701 439-2766: "Our new 'Centipede' socket holder holds sockets better than any other holder on the market. The polyurethane rail that holds the sockets is impervious to rust, corrosion, chemicals, and solvents and will bend even in cold weather. The rail is so flexible that you can bend it completely over and test a socket for size before removing it from the holder. Even when it's loaded with sockets you can hang it, roll it, twist it, lay it flat, or throw it in your toolbox. A patented locking design holds the sockets in place. The rails hold 1/4, 3/8, or 1/2-in. sockets.
"The 1/4-in. model sells for $5, the 3/8-in. for $6, and the 1/2-in. for $7. The 3/8 and 1/4-in. sets together sell for $10, and a full set of all three models sells for $16. Add $4 for S&H.
"We also sell tap and die sets - one with standard size taps and dies and the other with Metric. They're made from Tungston tool steel alloy. Each set sells for $199 or you can buy them both for $375. Add $10 S&H per set."

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #3