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Heavy Duty, Adjustable, Two -Story Shelving
You can take advantage of all the available space in your shop with this 2 or 3-story storage system that eliminates the need to build structural floors. It uses heavy rivet-style shelving that you assemble with a hammer.
"These shelves are very versatile as you simply buy beams and posts. Beams come in lengths starting at 12 in. and go up to 48 in. in 6-in. increments, and 48 to 96 in. in 12-in. increments. Makes it possible to build a variety of shelf sizes from 12 by 12 in. up to 48 by 96 in. and build them 2 to 28 ft. tall with shelf levels adjustable on 1 1/2-in. centers. There are bolt-on walkways available for these 2 and 3-story systems, which makes it much safer to access the high shelves because you don't have to work from a ladder.
"The shelves provide a lot of storage space while taking up little area because they take up dead air space that would normally be lost above 7 or 8 ft. high shelves," says John Ward, St. Anthony, Iowa.
heavy units can hold up to 2,000 lbs. per shelf on 4-ft. wide spans.
The shelving system comes with a baked-on enamel finish. Galvanized or zinc plated finish is also available.
A standard shelving system that's that's 4 ft. long, 2 ft. deep, and 7 ft. high with 5 shelves sells for about $87 (plywood or wire decking not supplied).
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ward Enterprises, 1223 170th St., St. Anthony, Iowa 50239 (ph 800 947-7929 or 515 477-8334; fax 8326).

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1998 - Volume #22, Issue #3