Free-Zone RB-276 Refrigerant For Air Conditioners
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Our new Free Zone RB-276 refrigerant is the ideal replacement for air conditioners equipped with older R-12 refrigerant which normally require expensive retrofitting to R-134a refrigerant. It operates at about the same pressure-temperature relationship as the old R-12 refrigerant which is no longer being made. It costs more than R-134a but keeps the air conditioner running at a cooler temperature and eliminates the costs of flushing and changing compressors. If you switch to R-134a you have to change the compressor and flush out the R-12. To use Free Zone you simply add the new refrigerant. The product contains a high performance lubricant/rust inhibitor that enhances the lubricating properties of the existing R-12. The product is non-toxic, non-flammable, and contains no CFC's. A 30-lb. container sells for about $270. (Harold Electric Co., 811 West Rose St., Walla Walla, Wash. 99362 ph 800 541-8910 or 509 525-5070; fax 3753)

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Free-Zone RB-276 Refrigerant For Air Conditioners MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous 22-2-36 Our new Free Zone RB-276 refrigerant is the ideal replacement for air conditioners equipped with older R-12 refrigerant which normally require expensive retrofitting to R-134a refrigerant. It operates at about the same pressure-temperature relationship as the old R-12 refrigerant which is no longer being made. It costs more than R-134a but keeps the air conditioner running at a cooler temperature and eliminates the costs of flushing and changing compressors. If you switch to R-134a you have to change the compressor and flush out the R-12. To use Free Zone you simply add the new refrigerant. The product contains a high performance lubricant/rust inhibitor that enhances the lubricating properties of the existing R-12. The product is non-toxic, non-flammable, and contains no CFC's. A 30-lb. container sells for about $270. (Harold Electric Co., 811 West Rose St., Walla Walla, Wash. 99362 ph 800 541-8910 or 509 525-5070; fax 3753)
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