1998 - Volume #22, Issue #2, Page #36
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They Rebuild Old Wooden Forage Boxes
If your old wooden forage box is rotted out and broken down, we can build a new box and put the old hardware - such as the front end and conveyor - back on. It's much less expensive than buying a a new unit. We specialize in Dion and New Holland forage boxes but we have patterns for many other name brands. Most of the wagons we repair are 15 to 25 years old and in most cases once they start to rot, they're done for. We build a brand new box and sand blast and repair the conveyor. Most jobs cost $2,900 to $3,200 (Canadian). In return the farmer gets a new, painted, ready-to-go wagon box. New self-unloading forage wagons sell for $8,000 to $10,000 so you can save a lot of money. (Keith Martin, M.K. Martin Enterprises, Inc., RR 4, Elmira, Ontario, Canada N3B 2Z3 ph 519 664-2752 or 3621; fax 3695)
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