Home Built Bumpers Make Great Emergency Air Tanks
The ground on my farm in north central Texas gets pretty hard and I kept breaking shanks on my chisel plow, so I decided to build my own. I take shanks off an old John Deere moldboard plow and welded then to an extra heavy frame made out of scrap 6 and 4-in. dia., heavy-walled pipe. It only has 7 shanks but my 966 International tractor will pull down if I don't hold it up a bit. That's how well it digs in. The only cost was $28 for 7 backhoe teeth. The shanks are on 16-in. centers and they cover a 10-ft. area in 6-in. strips.
For years I have been building bumpers from 6-in. pipe or square tubing. I use them as emergency air tanks. Works great when you need air in the field or if you get a flat on the road. I weld airtight plates onto the ends and tap an air valve into the pipe with a quick coupler for an air hose. The welding must be done well and you can't overfill the pipe since air pressure can exert tremendous pressure on the joints. (Pat Kennedy, Rt. 2, Box 204, Bellevue, Texas 76228)

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Home Built Bumpers Make Great Emergency Air Tanks FARM SHOP Tools 22-2-36 The ground on my farm in north central Texas gets pretty hard and I kept breaking shanks on my chisel plow, so I decided to build my own. I take shanks off an old John Deere moldboard plow and welded then to an extra heavy frame made out of scrap 6 and 4-in. dia., heavy-walled pipe. It only has 7 shanks but my 966 International tractor will pull down if I don't hold it up a bit. That's how well it digs in. The only cost was $28 for 7 backhoe teeth. The shanks are on 16-in. centers and they cover a 10-ft. area in 6-in. strips.
For years I have been building bumpers from 6-in. pipe or square tubing. I use them as emergency air tanks. Works great when you need air in the field or if you get a flat on the road. I weld airtight plates onto the ends and tap an air valve into the pipe with a quick coupler for an air hose. The welding must be done well and you can't overfill the pipe since air pressure can exert tremendous pressure on the joints. (Pat Kennedy, Rt. 2, Box 204, Bellevue, Texas 76228)
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