Low-Cost Way To Carry Extra Net Wrap For Balers
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We came up with this low-cost way to carry extra net wrap for our baler along to our jobs. We use old galvanized water heater tanks we get from salvage yards for as little as 50 cents a pound. We cut out one end and drill a hole in the center of the other. We've mounted them on six of our Massey 1105 tractors with brackets made of chain and pipe that attach to the hand holds of the tractors' suitcase weights.
A rod somewhat smaller than the 3 in. dia. cardboard tube in the center of the roll of net wrap is fitted in the hole in the one end of the tank with a washer and wing nut. The net wrap simply slides over the rod, which holds it in place.
The carriers don't cost more than $5 to build and you can bale all day without running out of wrap. (Franklin Pacey, Pacey's Hay Baling Service, 1180 Meridian Road, Miltonvale, Kan. 67466; ph 913 427-2406)

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Low-Cost Way To Carry Extra Net Wrap For Balers HAY & FORAGE HARVESTING Balers (6) 22-2-35 We came up with this low-cost way to carry extra net wrap for our baler along to our jobs. We use old galvanized water heater tanks we get from salvage yards for as little as 50 cents a pound. We cut out one end and drill a hole in the center of the other. We've mounted them on six of our Massey 1105 tractors with brackets made of chain and pipe that attach to the hand holds of the tractors' suitcase weights.
A rod somewhat smaller than the 3 in. dia. cardboard tube in the center of the roll of net wrap is fitted in the hole in the one end of the tank with a washer and wing nut. The net wrap simply slides over the rod, which holds it in place.
The carriers don't cost more than $5 to build and you can bale all day without running out of wrap. (Franklin Pacey, Pacey's Hay Baling Service, 1180 Meridian Road, Miltonvale, Kan. 67466; ph 913 427-2406)
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