Home Built Tire Bead-Setting Tool
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Don Williams, Clarinda, Iowa: "I've found that by filling an oil filter full of oil before installing it on engines brings oil pressure up faster because it doesn't have to travel through the filter before reaching the bearings. This reduces wear on bearings, I believe.
"This works on all type of engines, but is best suited for Chevys since their oil filters often install vertically so less oil runs out than if the filter installs semi-horizontally.
"I also built a tire bead-seating tool similar to some commercial models available but for a fraction of the cost.
"I used a 5-gal. air tank I bought on sale for $19. I drilled a hole in the side of the tank and welded in a 3-in. length of 1 in. dia. pipe. I fitted it with a plastic ball valve and ran a 6 in. length of 1 in. dia. pipe out from it. I fitted it with a 6 in. length of exhaust pipe I'd hammered flat on one end. I made a stop to hold the piece of tail pipe against the rim as close to the tire as possible.
"To use you simply inflate the tank with about 70 lbs. of air, insert the flattened tail pipe between the tire and rim and open the ball valve. The tire will expand and finish seating the bead as the air rushes in.
"Cost only about $50 to build, compared with some commercial bead seaters that run up to $300.
"One caution: It's essential to do a good welding job or the pipe or pipes could fly off and injure someone when this tool is used."

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Home Built Tire Bead-Setting Tool FARM SHOP Tools 22-2-32 Don Williams, Clarinda, Iowa: "I've found that by filling an oil filter full of oil before installing it on engines brings oil pressure up faster because it doesn't have to travel through the filter before reaching the bearings. This reduces wear on bearings, I believe.
"This works on all type of engines, but is best suited for Chevys since their oil filters often install vertically so less oil runs out than if the filter installs semi-horizontally.
"I also built a tire bead-seating tool similar to some commercial models available but for a fraction of the cost.
"I used a 5-gal. air tank I bought on sale for $19. I drilled a hole in the side of the tank and welded in a 3-in. length of 1 in. dia. pipe. I fitted it with a plastic ball valve and ran a 6 in. length of 1 in. dia. pipe out from it. I fitted it with a 6 in. length of exhaust pipe I'd hammered flat on one end. I made a stop to hold the piece of tail pipe against the rim as close to the tire as possible.
"To use you simply inflate the tank with about 70 lbs. of air, insert the flattened tail pipe between the tire and rim and open the ball valve. The tire will expand and finish seating the bead as the air rushes in.
"Cost only about $50 to build, compared with some commercial bead seaters that run up to $300.
"One caution: It's essential to do a good welding job or the pipe or pipes could fly off and injure someone when this tool is used."
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