Ferris Wheel Bolt Bin
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corners so each section is a circle. I ran a 1 1/ 2-in. dia. pipe through the center of each circle section and mounted 12 rows of five elevator grain cups between the ends. I mounted each row of cups on a 5/8-in. dia. rod that runs through the center of each cup and attaches to each end wheel, permitting them to rotate with the Ferris wheel, which rotates on a stand I built out of scrap iron. The unit stands about 6 ft. high and everything's at eye-level so I can instantly identify the bolts or spare part, such as sickle sections or bearings. I bought brand new grain cups at $2.75 apiece for my bin so my cost was about $250. But you could just as easily use used cups or ones that an elevator's throwing away to keep the cost down.
"I also built what I call my ępage turner' tool rack. It keeps all my tools within arm's Glenn E. Congdon, Jr., Weaver, Iowa: Glenn keeps his shop in order and his tractor clean with these ideas he came up with in the past couple of years.
"I built a ęFerris wheel bolt bin' to hold bolts and spare parts by cutting a sheet of 4 by 8 plywood in half and rounding off the reach, instead of having to dig through a tool chest drawer to find them.
"I used five sheets of 16 in. wide by 48 in. long peg board to make the ępages'. They hinge to a column made out of 1 1/2-in. dia. pipe and screwed into the center of a heavy-duty 24-in. dia. cast iron wheel I picked up at a junk yard. I fitted the pages with regular peg board hooks I hang my tools on.
"The unit stands 5 to 6 ft. high in the work area of my shop and saves a lot of time, compared to a tool chest.
"We also do a lot of driving on gravel roads in our farming operation and the mud after a rain is really a pain to clean off our tractor's windshield. Fenders would solve the problem, but I priced a set for our Deere 30 series tractor and they cost almost $500. "So I built my own fenders for about $100. I used two pieces of 16-ga. sheet steel, 11 in. wide by 25 in. long. Strap iron welds on each end and a 1/4-in. rod welds underneath to form mounting brackets. To install, remove the bolt in the wheel spindle and bolt on the fenders by simply replacing the bolt. They do a great job of keeping the windshield mud-free "

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Ferris Wheel Bolt Bin FARM SHOP Parts 22-2-31 corners so each section is a circle. I ran a 1 1/ 2-in. dia. pipe through the center of each circle section and mounted 12 rows of five elevator grain cups between the ends. I mounted each row of cups on a 5/8-in. dia. rod that runs through the center of each cup and attaches to each end wheel, permitting them to rotate with the Ferris wheel, which rotates on a stand I built out of scrap iron. The unit stands about 6 ft. high and everything's at eye-level so I can instantly identify the bolts or spare part, such as sickle sections or bearings. I bought brand new grain cups at $2.75 apiece for my bin so my cost was about $250. But you could just as easily use used cups or ones that an elevator's throwing away to keep the cost down.
"I also built what I call my ępage turner' tool rack. It keeps all my tools within arm's Glenn E. Congdon, Jr., Weaver, Iowa: Glenn keeps his shop in order and his tractor clean with these ideas he came up with in the past couple of years.
"I built a ęFerris wheel bolt bin' to hold bolts and spare parts by cutting a sheet of 4 by 8 plywood in half and rounding off the reach, instead of having to dig through a tool chest drawer to find them.
"I used five sheets of 16 in. wide by 48 in. long peg board to make the ępages'. They hinge to a column made out of 1 1/2-in. dia. pipe and screwed into the center of a heavy-duty 24-in. dia. cast iron wheel I picked up at a junk yard. I fitted the pages with regular peg board hooks I hang my tools on.
"The unit stands 5 to 6 ft. high in the work area of my shop and saves a lot of time, compared to a tool chest.
"We also do a lot of driving on gravel roads in our farming operation and the mud after a rain is really a pain to clean off our tractor's windshield. Fenders would solve the problem, but I priced a set for our Deere 30 series tractor and they cost almost $500. "So I built my own fenders for about $100. I used two pieces of 16-ga. sheet steel, 11 in. wide by 25 in. long. Strap iron welds on each end and a 1/4-in. rod welds underneath to form mounting brackets. To install, remove the bolt in the wheel spindle and bolt on the fenders by simply replacing the bolt. They do a great job of keeping the windshield mud-free "
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