How To Change The Opener Discs On A Deere 750 Drill
Bobby Ogletree, Griffin, Ga.: "I've found a way to change the opener discs on a Deere 750 drill without having to remove the depth wheel arm. The problem with removing the arm is that it increases the chances of introducing dirt into the hub and bearings, causing unnecessary wear and problems with bearings.
"The trick is to grind away just enough at the center of the disc to allow the disc to slip over the depth arm. I used a grinding rock to do the job. It doesn't affect operation of the disc since it bolts into place.
"To take the old discs off, I use a torch to trim a small area from the old disc right on the drill. You have to be careful not to over-heat the grease seals."

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How To Change The Opener Discs On A Deere 750 Drill DRILLS Drills (42C) 22-2-30 Bobby Ogletree, Griffin, Ga.: "I've found a way to change the opener discs on a Deere 750 drill without having to remove the depth wheel arm. The problem with removing the arm is that it increases the chances of introducing dirt into the hub and bearings, causing unnecessary wear and problems with bearings.
"The trick is to grind away just enough at the center of the disc to allow the disc to slip over the depth arm. I used a grinding rock to do the job. It doesn't affect operation of the disc since it bolts into place.
"To take the old discs off, I use a torch to trim a small area from the old disc right on the drill. You have to be careful not to over-heat the grease seals."
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