New Holland "Bi-Di" New From Ground Up
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New Holland unveiled its completely redesigned "Bi-directional" tractor to a huge crowd at the recent National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Ky. The TV140, which replaces the 9030, represents the first extensive redesign since the tractor's introduction in 1977.
The "from-the-ground-up" redesign coincides with Goodyear's announcement that the St. Mary's, Ohio, rubber company has developed a new radial tire designed to deliver equal traction in either direction. They're designed specifically for the "bi-di", which is also available with Firestone or Armstrong tires.
The 105 pto hp TV140 incorporates the sleek design used on New Holland Genesis, Gemini and Boomer tractors, which feature sloped engine hoods for better visibility and serviceability. Likewise, the cab has been completely revamped with a new "Turn-about" console that turns with the seat so tractor controls are identical no matter which direction you're traveling.
It has articulated steering to provide a 142-in. turning radius. Its wheelbase has been extended from 89 to 118 in. to pro-vide a smoother ride, capacity to handle up to 54-in. tires, and better access to the cab.
It's powered by a 456 cu. in., 6-cyl. turbocharged engine, the same engine in the Genesis 70 series tractors.
Comes standard with a 30 gpm hydraulic pump. A separate 35 gal. circuit for hay tools, etc., is optional.
Sells for $76,600 with 4,300-lb. capacity loader with 14 ft. lift height; up to $90,900 with all options.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, New Holland North America Inc., 500 Diller Avenue, P.O. Box 1895, New Holland, Pa. 17557-0903 (ph 717 355-1121).

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New Holland "Bi-Di" New From Ground Up TRACTORS New Tractors 22-2-20 New Holland unveiled its completely redesigned "Bi-directional" tractor to a huge crowd at the recent National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, Ky. The TV140, which replaces the 9030, represents the first extensive redesign since the tractor's introduction in 1977.
The "from-the-ground-up" redesign coincides with Goodyear's announcement that the St. Mary's, Ohio, rubber company has developed a new radial tire designed to deliver equal traction in either direction. They're designed specifically for the "bi-di", which is also available with Firestone or Armstrong tires.
The 105 pto hp TV140 incorporates the sleek design used on New Holland Genesis, Gemini and Boomer tractors, which feature sloped engine hoods for better visibility and serviceability. Likewise, the cab has been completely revamped with a new "Turn-about" console that turns with the seat so tractor controls are identical no matter which direction you're traveling.
It has articulated steering to provide a 142-in. turning radius. Its wheelbase has been extended from 89 to 118 in. to pro-vide a smoother ride, capacity to handle up to 54-in. tires, and better access to the cab.
It's powered by a 456 cu. in., 6-cyl. turbocharged engine, the same engine in the Genesis 70 series tractors.
Comes standard with a 30 gpm hydraulic pump. A separate 35 gal. circuit for hay tools, etc., is optional.
Sells for $76,600 with 4,300-lb. capacity loader with 14 ft. lift height; up to $90,900 with all options.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, New Holland North America Inc., 500 Diller Avenue, P.O. Box 1895, New Holland, Pa. 17557-0903 (ph 717 355-1121).
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