"Rotary Subsoiler" Punches Holes 2 Ft. Deep
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"Our new rotary subsoiler penetrates up to 24 inches deep with minimal topsoil disturbance, leaving smooth, open, punched holes that capture moisture and reduce erosion. It creates little, if any, damage to a seeded win-ter crop and leaves the soil surface smooth enough that you can no-till seed in the spring, and spray and harvest, without any problems," says Jack Rodrigues, R & R Agri-Products, Inc., Wilbur, Wash.
The 10-ft. wide rig is equipped with 18 shanks mounted on a rotary drum that are arranged in an overlapping design. The drum is compartmentalized and can be filled with water, calcium, or lead powder for penetration to the depth desired (optional suitcase weights can be added if more weight is required).
"It works like an aerator but penetrates much deeper," says Rodrigues. "It leaves large spaces between the holes so it doesn't create a ærow effect' even when operated at maximum depth and speed. As a result you can operate it in any direction without worrying about water erosion.
"The shanks are faced with replaceable chrome segments and have a chrome knife point for long wear and deep, smooth penetration. T-1 steel shanks are available for rocky areas. An optional hitch can be used to couple two or three subsoilers together for a 20 or 30-ft. working width. By spacing two hitches 10 ft. apart you work the ground up to 40 ft. wide."
Sells for $8,800. A 15-ft. model will soon be available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, R & R Agri-Products, Inc., Wilbur, Wash. 99185 (ph 800 326-6860 or 509 646-3291; E-Mail rragri@rr-agriproducts.com; Website www.rr.agriproducts.com

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"Rotary Subsoiler" Punches Holes 2 Ft. Deep TILLAGE EUIPMENT Subsoilers (55) 22-2-19 "Our new rotary subsoiler penetrates up to 24 inches deep with minimal topsoil disturbance, leaving smooth, open, punched holes that capture moisture and reduce erosion. It creates little, if any, damage to a seeded win-ter crop and leaves the soil surface smooth enough that you can no-till seed in the spring, and spray and harvest, without any problems," says Jack Rodrigues, R & R Agri-Products, Inc., Wilbur, Wash.
The 10-ft. wide rig is equipped with 18 shanks mounted on a rotary drum that are arranged in an overlapping design. The drum is compartmentalized and can be filled with water, calcium, or lead powder for penetration to the depth desired (optional suitcase weights can be added if more weight is required).
"It works like an aerator but penetrates much deeper," says Rodrigues. "It leaves large spaces between the holes so it doesn't create a ærow effect' even when operated at maximum depth and speed. As a result you can operate it in any direction without worrying about water erosion.
"The shanks are faced with replaceable chrome segments and have a chrome knife point for long wear and deep, smooth penetration. T-1 steel shanks are available for rocky areas. An optional hitch can be used to couple two or three subsoilers together for a 20 or 30-ft. working width. By spacing two hitches 10 ft. apart you work the ground up to 40 ft. wide."
Sells for $8,800. A 15-ft. model will soon be available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, R & R Agri-Products, Inc., Wilbur, Wash. 99185 (ph 800 326-6860 or 509 646-3291; E-Mail rragri@rr-agriproducts.com; Website www.rr.agriproducts.com
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