Old Planter Makes Handy Implement Carrier
After Grant Martin, Tupperville, Ontario, bought some land five miles from his farm, he needed a way to transport his 18-ft. pull-type rotary hoe over the highway. He solved the problem by converting the frame of an old Deere soybean planter into an implement carrier.
"My son-in-law, Brian Hehn, helped me build it. It's the handiest tool we've ever made and the cheapest. We spent only about $90, including a paint job," says Martin.
He stripped the 1960's era, 6-row planter down to the frame and cut off each end of the main toolbar to just outside the wheels. The planter had a square steel bar running lengthwise down the middle that ended just past the wheels. He used lengths of angle iron to lengthen the original bar to 18 ft. The bar is used to carry the hoe frame, which has six sections. He welded 2-ft. lengths of chain on top of the bar, two per hoe section and on opposite sides. He also welded a steel hook to the top of the bar to go with each chain. To attach the hoe to the carrier he backs the carrier over the hoe and uses the planter's original hydraulic lift cylinder to lower the unit down over the hoe. He then loops all the chains under the hoe frame and secures them to the hooks. Then he raises the carrier and tractor 3-pt. at the same time.
"It works beautifully," says Martin. "The carrier's transporting width is less than the tractor so it doesn't block road traffic. The hoe clears the ground by about 6 to 8 in. I mount the front end of the carrier on the tractor's 3-pt. towbar so I can level out the hoe. It also works good for storage.
"I already had the planter but I wasn't using it any more because I had bought a newer, wider planter frame and had transferred the row units it. The old planter was too old to be worth much to anyone else but it still had good tires and could be raised or lowered." For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Grant Martin, RR 2, Tupperville, Ontario, Canada N0P 2M0 (ph 519 683-2265).

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Old Planter Makes Handy Implement Carrier PLANTERS Planters 22-2-10 After Grant Martin, Tupperville, Ontario, bought some land five miles from his farm, he needed a way to transport his 18-ft. pull-type rotary hoe over the highway. He solved the problem by converting the frame of an old Deere soybean planter into an implement carrier.
"My son-in-law, Brian Hehn, helped me build it. It's the handiest tool we've ever made and the cheapest. We spent only about $90, including a paint job," says Martin.
He stripped the 1960's era, 6-row planter down to the frame and cut off each end of the main toolbar to just outside the wheels. The planter had a square steel bar running lengthwise down the middle that ended just past the wheels. He used lengths of angle iron to lengthen the original bar to 18 ft. The bar is used to carry the hoe frame, which has six sections. He welded 2-ft. lengths of chain on top of the bar, two per hoe section and on opposite sides. He also welded a steel hook to the top of the bar to go with each chain. To attach the hoe to the carrier he backs the carrier over the hoe and uses the planter's original hydraulic lift cylinder to lower the unit down over the hoe. He then loops all the chains under the hoe frame and secures them to the hooks. Then he raises the carrier and tractor 3-pt. at the same time.
"It works beautifully," says Martin. "The carrier's transporting width is less than the tractor so it doesn't block road traffic. The hoe clears the ground by about 6 to 8 in. I mount the front end of the carrier on the tractor's 3-pt. towbar so I can level out the hoe. It also works good for storage.
"I already had the planter but I wasn't using it any more because I had bought a newer, wider planter frame and had transferred the row units it. The old planter was too old to be worth much to anyone else but it still had good tires and could be raised or lowered." For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Grant Martin, RR 2, Tupperville, Ontario, Canada N0P 2M0 (ph 519 683-2265).
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