High Capacity, "No-dust" Big Bale Grinder
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"It offers the efficiency of a hammermill but is much easier to use with a lot less dust," says Scott Denney, Warren & Baerg Mfg., Dinuba, Calif., about his company's new high capacity big bale stationary grinder that's designed to grind 4 by 4 by 8-ft. bales at capacities of up to 60 tons per hour.
The standard unit consists of a 24-ft. long conveyor, a grinder equipped with a pair of 50-in. wide cylinders fitted with 88 flail-type hammers, and a 30-ft. long enclosed "takeaway" conveyor. Each hay-grinding cylinder is powered by an electric motor that ranges from 50 to 200 hp, depending on de-sired capacity. Standard screen sizes are 1 to 6 in. Sizes as small as 1/8 in. are available for feeding hay to pellet mills.
The bale feed conveyor is powered by a 1 or 2 hp electric motor depending on length, and the takeaway conveyor by a 5 hp electric motor.
The complete unit sells for $75,000 to $90,000, depending on specifications.
Models are available for smaller big square bales. The company also offers a grinder for round bales and plans to offer a grinder for lower tonnages.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Warren & Baerg Mfg., Inc., 39950 Road 108, Dinuba, Calif. 93618 (ph 800 344-2131 or 209 591-6790; fax 5728).

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High Capacity, "No-dust" Big Bale Grinder BALE HANDLING Bale Handling (31B) 22-2-7 "It offers the efficiency of a hammermill but is much easier to use with a lot less dust," says Scott Denney, Warren & Baerg Mfg., Dinuba, Calif., about his company's new high capacity big bale stationary grinder that's designed to grind 4 by 4 by 8-ft. bales at capacities of up to 60 tons per hour.
The standard unit consists of a 24-ft. long conveyor, a grinder equipped with a pair of 50-in. wide cylinders fitted with 88 flail-type hammers, and a 30-ft. long enclosed "takeaway" conveyor. Each hay-grinding cylinder is powered by an electric motor that ranges from 50 to 200 hp, depending on de-sired capacity. Standard screen sizes are 1 to 6 in. Sizes as small as 1/8 in. are available for feeding hay to pellet mills.
The bale feed conveyor is powered by a 1 or 2 hp electric motor depending on length, and the takeaway conveyor by a 5 hp electric motor.
The complete unit sells for $75,000 to $90,000, depending on specifications.
Models are available for smaller big square bales. The company also offers a grinder for round bales and plans to offer a grinder for lower tonnages.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Warren & Baerg Mfg., Inc., 39950 Road 108, Dinuba, Calif. 93618 (ph 800 344-2131 or 209 591-6790; fax 5728).
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