Reusable Oil Filter
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"Our new reusable spin-on oil filter is cleaned with compressed air while it's still on the engine and can be reused up to 10 times be-fore you have to replace it. What's more, it cleans oil better than conventional filters, ex-tending oil life up to 200 percent," says Bob Ring, Nelson Industries, Stoughton, Wis.
The first-of-its-kind filter is designed to hook up to any shop air compressor. There's a quick-tach air fitting on bottom and a drain port.
To clean the filter you hook up an air hose and attach a plastic hose to the drain port. Then you apply air pressure until the flow of oil stops. The air reverses the flow of oil through the filter, purging it of all contaminants.
"It virtually eliminates the mess of changing oil and the problem of disposing of spin-on filters," says Ring. "The filter contains a high efficiency, synthetic pleated media that cleans oil very efficiently. It saves you money because you don't have to replace the filter every time you change oil. And, you don't have to change oil as often. There are other cleanable filters on the market, but with most of them you have to take a cartridge out of the housing and pressure wash it, then blow it out and put it back into the filter.
"It takes only three minutes or less to clean the filter. Anywhere from 50 to 150 psi is required to blow all the oil out of the filter. The kit comes with an electronic change indicator that mounts in the cab and automatically signals the operator when the filter needs to be changed."
"It costs more than a conventional oil filter but saves money in the long run. Our goal is a 1-year payback."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nelson Industries, Box 428, Stoughton, Wis. 53589 (ph 800 356-6606 or 608 873-4200).

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Reusable Oil Filter FARM SHOP Maintenance 22-2-7 "Our new reusable spin-on oil filter is cleaned with compressed air while it's still on the engine and can be reused up to 10 times be-fore you have to replace it. What's more, it cleans oil better than conventional filters, ex-tending oil life up to 200 percent," says Bob Ring, Nelson Industries, Stoughton, Wis.
The first-of-its-kind filter is designed to hook up to any shop air compressor. There's a quick-tach air fitting on bottom and a drain port.
To clean the filter you hook up an air hose and attach a plastic hose to the drain port. Then you apply air pressure until the flow of oil stops. The air reverses the flow of oil through the filter, purging it of all contaminants.
"It virtually eliminates the mess of changing oil and the problem of disposing of spin-on filters," says Ring. "The filter contains a high efficiency, synthetic pleated media that cleans oil very efficiently. It saves you money because you don't have to replace the filter every time you change oil. And, you don't have to change oil as often. There are other cleanable filters on the market, but with most of them you have to take a cartridge out of the housing and pressure wash it, then blow it out and put it back into the filter.
"It takes only three minutes or less to clean the filter. Anywhere from 50 to 150 psi is required to blow all the oil out of the filter. The kit comes with an electronic change indicator that mounts in the cab and automatically signals the operator when the filter needs to be changed."
"It costs more than a conventional oil filter but saves money in the long run. Our goal is a 1-year payback."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Nelson Industries, Box 428, Stoughton, Wis. 53589 (ph 800 356-6606 or 608 873-4200).
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