The "Natural Way" To Control Pest Birds
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"We've had exceptionally favorable results around our place. They scare the heck out of sparrows and other small pest birds," says Larry Decker, whose company sells specially designed birdhouses that attract Kestrel hawks, also known as sparrow hawks. They prey on rodents and small birds, especially sparrows.
Kestrels lay their eggs in the cavities of trees, ledges on buildings or along cliffs. They can also be attracted to man-made nest boxes.
Decker sells boxes 9 1/4 in. square by 17 in. high. They're made out of 3/4-in. thick unfinished pine.
You mount the nest boxes in partially open land, 15 to 20-ft. high, and within 30 yds. of a tree with dead limbs, or a power pole. They use the dead limbs as plucking perches where males dismember their prey and pass the food on to the female, who feeds the young.
Sparrow hawks, which are common throughout much of the U.S., usually have one brood per year, raising three to four young birds. Adults often return to the same nest year after year, Decker says.
"You should be aware that they'll go after any other birds that are smaller than they are, including pigeons and song birds," Decker says.
Kestrel boxes sell for $33.95 plus S&H; plans cost $3 including S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Big River Specialty Company, 17067 Higginsport Road, Bernard, Iowa 52032 (ph 800 881-4346 or 319 879-3166; fax 3218).

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The "Natural Way" To Control Pest Birds MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Pest Animals 22-2-6 "We've had exceptionally favorable results around our place. They scare the heck out of sparrows and other small pest birds," says Larry Decker, whose company sells specially designed birdhouses that attract Kestrel hawks, also known as sparrow hawks. They prey on rodents and small birds, especially sparrows.
Kestrels lay their eggs in the cavities of trees, ledges on buildings or along cliffs. They can also be attracted to man-made nest boxes.
Decker sells boxes 9 1/4 in. square by 17 in. high. They're made out of 3/4-in. thick unfinished pine.
You mount the nest boxes in partially open land, 15 to 20-ft. high, and within 30 yds. of a tree with dead limbs, or a power pole. They use the dead limbs as plucking perches where males dismember their prey and pass the food on to the female, who feeds the young.
Sparrow hawks, which are common throughout much of the U.S., usually have one brood per year, raising three to four young birds. Adults often return to the same nest year after year, Decker says.
"You should be aware that they'll go after any other birds that are smaller than they are, including pigeons and song birds," Decker says.
Kestrel boxes sell for $33.95 plus S&H; plans cost $3 including S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Big River Specialty Company, 17067 Higginsport Road, Bernard, Iowa 52032 (ph 800 881-4346 or 319 879-3166; fax 3218).
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