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New-Style Pickup-Mounted Snowblower
"This isn't the only pickup-mounted snow-blower on the market but we believe it's the easiest and safest to use," says Al Kremer about the two-stage snowblower his company recently introduced.
Pak Systems "Sno-Hog" mounts on most Meyers, Western or Fischer lift systems. An Onan 24 hp 2-cyl. engine powers the 16-in. dia. auger and a 20-in. dia. impeller with 7 in. deep vanes.
"The electric start, choke, 2-spd. electric throttle, low oil shut off, chute rotation and optional chute deflector are all controlled from the pickup cab instead of out front," Kremer notes. "A 12-volt fuel shut off solenoid valve mounts under the hood of the pickup so all fuel lines which run from an optional auxiliary tank or off the truck's fuel system help to meet all safety guidelines."
The unit features a 25-in. vertical opening, full-width hardened steel cutting edge, adjustable skid shoes and 60 in. vertical bank cutters. Quick-tach electric and fuel line connections make for easy installation and removal.
Sizes are 84 and 94 in. (wings attach to match dually wheels) and sells for $6,995 and $7,145, respectively.
The company also makes a full line of hydraulic snowblowers for skid steers, diesel powered and direct drive intermediate size blowers for backhoes, tractors, medium and heavy duty trucks and equipment.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pak Systems, 500 Gold Creek Cutoff, Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 (ph 208 263-1365; fax 265-4587).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #6