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New Slant Auger Mixing Feed Wagon
A first of its kind feed mixer from Blair Mfg., Blair, Neb., features a "slant auger" design for mixing live-stock and poultry rations ù from all grain to all roughage and any and all combinations in between ù in only 2 min. per load.
Called the "Sweetheart," the new auger mixing feed wagon features two 20 in. "slant" augers on the bottom and two 12 in. upper augers. "The new design concept will thoroughly mix a 250 cu. ft. load in 2 min., or less, and you don't need a lot of power to turn it," the manufacturer explains. "Power equivalent to a Farmall H tractor is all you need. A 15hp. electric motor is sufficient for operating the unit as a stationary mixer."
The "Sweetheart," mixer is 89 in. high, 88 in. wide, 12 ft. long and weighs 4,400 lbs. Clearance of the unloading spout is 38 in. In all models, available truck mounted, or on a single axle for towing behind your tractor, the hydraulically-operated feeding gate is controlled by the driver, right from the truck or tractor seat. Sells for $8,888.
For more details, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Blair Mfg. Co., 929 Washington Street, Blair, Neb. 68008.

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1981 - Volume #5, Issue #2