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Permanently Installed Grain Sampler
"It's the only probe on the market that gives you a grain sample from inside the bin in seconds - whenever you want it - without ever leaving the ground," says Orval Bjornson about his new probe that installs through the outside of bins to draw samples quickly and safely.
G O Welding & Manufacturing's Easy Probe consists of a 5-ft. long, 2 in. dia. probe which enters the bin at a 45 degree angle, which places the end 3 ft. from the bin wall. Cable operated, the probe connects to a long tube that runs down from the outside of the bin.
To use, you simply turn a handle at the bottom of the tube which opens a gate at the end of the sampler tube and allows grain to come down into a container held under the outside tube.
Installation on empty bins requires about an hour and a half. It requires cutting a 9 by 4 1/2 in.-hole in the side of a grain bin.
Sells for $125 (Canadian) plus S&H.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, G O Welding & Manufacturing, Box 91, Danbury, Sask., Canada S0A 0P0 (ph/fax 306 548-4683 or 4262).

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #4