Heavy Duty Extra Wide Combine Axle
"Our new heavy duty extra wide axle fog Deere and Case-IH combines is built muct stronger than original factory axles. It won' i break or bend under tough conditions of when the combines are fitted with grain bir extensions," says Randy Boude, Fast Lane Products, Belmond, Iowa.
The 4 by 8 by 3/8-in. thick steel axle can be adjusted so the combine's rear wheels track behind the front wheels. "It allows the rear wheels to be spaced on up to 120-in. centers, greatly improving stability," says Boude. "It also allows you to use larger grain tanks. It uses the original factory spindles and hole spacings and is compatible with factory drive axle spacers."
The axle comes with tie-rod tube, steering hose extensions, stabilizing drag links, and bushings.
Sells for $1,129.
The company also sells a new "single arm" hydraulic-powered chaff spreader equipped with a protective safety ring. The swing arm allows for ease in sieve adjustment and maintenance. By removing two pins and two hose disconnects, the entire swing arm assembly can be detached from the mounting arm. The spreader is equipped with replaceable rubber batts for added safety.
A single spreader sells for $726 and a double spreader sells for $1,453.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fast Lane Products, Box 65, Belmond, Iowa 50421 (ph 515 444-7311).

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Heavy Duty Extra Wide Combine Axle COMBINES Accessories 18-2-26 "Our new heavy duty extra wide axle fog Deere and Case-IH combines is built muct stronger than original factory axles. It won' i break or bend under tough conditions of when the combines are fitted with grain bir extensions," says Randy Boude, Fast Lane Products, Belmond, Iowa.
The 4 by 8 by 3/8-in. thick steel axle can be adjusted so the combine's rear wheels track behind the front wheels. "It allows the rear wheels to be spaced on up to 120-in. centers, greatly improving stability," says Boude. "It also allows you to use larger grain tanks. It uses the original factory spindles and hole spacings and is compatible with factory drive axle spacers."
The axle comes with tie-rod tube, steering hose extensions, stabilizing drag links, and bushings.
Sells for $1,129.
The company also sells a new "single arm" hydraulic-powered chaff spreader equipped with a protective safety ring. The swing arm allows for ease in sieve adjustment and maintenance. By removing two pins and two hose disconnects, the entire swing arm assembly can be detached from the mounting arm. The spreader is equipped with replaceable rubber batts for added safety.
A single spreader sells for $726 and a double spreader sells for $1,453.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Fast Lane Products, Box 65, Belmond, Iowa 50421 (ph 515 444-7311).
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