1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #29
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Flag Saver Prevents Wind Damage
"It makes flags last 2 to 4 times longer. Works like a bug deflector on a pickup," says Royal Beck of Beck Manufacturing about the company's new "Rag Saver" that fits over the tail of a flag to protect it from wind and weather.Consists of a piece of rigid V-shaped clear plastic that's as wide as the flag and installs between the flag and its mounting hooks.
"It deflects heavy winds but still lets the flag fly normally. It took us a long time to come up with a design that works. The problem is that if you make it too big it interferes with the way the flag flies. The size of the deflector varies with the size of the flag," says Beck who's had good luck selling the Flag Saver to both homeowners and businesses. In fact, several McDonald's restaurants have been among his best customers.
A Flag Saver for a 3 by 5-ft. flag sells for $36.95 while a deflector fora 6 by 10-ft. flag sells for $101.42.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Beck Manufacturing, P.O. Box 7, Byers, Kan. 67021 (ph 316 546-2452).

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