He Uses Lawn Mower To Trim His Hedges
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"I was getting a sore back using an electric hedge trimmer to cut the low-lying hedges around our house and yard," says Les Russell who built a height adjustable rolling carriage for his lawn mower that allows him to trim hedges in a fraction of the time it took before.
He made the vertical carriage out of scrap steel. The front of his 20-in. mower deck is suspended from a metal rod while the back wheels fit on a metal crosspiece. The mower slides back and forth freely on top of the carriage. The 1 1/2-ft. long legs for the main frame are fitted with 10-in. dia. wheels off a kids' wagon. The legs each have 3/8-in. dia. holes drilled every 2 in. so mower height can be adjusted from 2 to 3 ft. off the ground depending on how close he wants to trim his hedges.
To use, Russell simply positions the mower deck on one side of the frame and pushes the rig over the hedge. He then re-positions the mower on the opposite side of the frame and makes a pass in the opposite direction to finish the job.
"It works great," he says. "I can cut 600 ft. of hedge in 10 or 15 minutes compared to the hours it used to take. I only wish I could figure out something as convenient for trimming the sides."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Les Russell, Box 15, Brooksby, Sask., Canada S0E 0H0 (ph 306 863-2916).

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He Uses Lawn Mower To Trim His Hedges FARM HOME Lawn Mowers (31h,38) 21-3-17 "I was getting a sore back using an electric hedge trimmer to cut the low-lying hedges around our house and yard," says Les Russell who built a height adjustable rolling carriage for his lawn mower that allows him to trim hedges in a fraction of the time it took before.
He made the vertical carriage out of scrap steel. The front of his 20-in. mower deck is suspended from a metal rod while the back wheels fit on a metal crosspiece. The mower slides back and forth freely on top of the carriage. The 1 1/2-ft. long legs for the main frame are fited with 10-in. dia. wheels off a kids' wagon. The legs each have 3/8-in. dia. holes drilled every 2 in. so mower height can be adjusted from 2 to 3 ft. off the ground depending on how close he wants to trim his hedges.
To use, Russell simply positions the mower deck on one side of the frame and pushes the rig over the hedge. He then re-positions the mower on the opposite side of the frame and makes a pass in the opposite direction to finish the job.
"It works great," he says. "I can cut 600 ft. of hedge in 10 or 15 minutes compared to the hours it used to take. I only wish I could figure out something as convenient for trimming the sides."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Les Russell, Box 15, Brooksby, Sask., Canada SOE OHO (ph 306 863-2916).
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