1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #04
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Bale Wrap Machine Works On The Ground
One man can wrap any size bale in less than a minute with four tight wraps of 3-ply plastic using a new machine imported from Scotland.The new bale wrapper, imported by the Bale-Bonnet Co., Bloomsdale, Mo., is unique in that it wraps bales on the ground in the field. Requires just one tractor and one operator, who never has to leave the tractor. To wrap, the operator backs the 3-pt. mounted wrapper up to the bale, lifting the rear tailgate of the wrapper over the bale. As the machine rolls the bale along the ground, a hydraulic driven arm, fitted with two rolls of stretch-cling plastic, spins around the bale, overlapping each layer of plastic 50%. Four layers can be put on in less than a minute, moving the bale about 8 ft. along the ground. Once wrapped, bales can be moved with a bale spike. You simply cover the hole with tape afterwards.
"It's been on the market for 2 years in Scotland with great results," says Alan Schaefer, president of Bale-Bonnet Co. "You can either wrap it 2 times for protection from the elements or 4 times to make silage. Works much better than bags because it wraps so tight. And, it costs only about $3 per bale to wrap for silage versus as much as $8 per bale for bags."
Bale wrapper handles bales up to 6 ft. in dia. Machine sells for around $6,000.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bale-Bonnet Co., Box A, Bloomsdale, Mo. 63627 (ph toll free 880 231-4242 or, in Missouri, 314 483-2552).

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