1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #26
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Custom Duck Blind
"Hunters who've used it tell us it works great," says Daryl Alberico, manufacturer of a custom-built blind for duck and goose hunting.Molded in one piece of polyethylene with a built-in ultra violet ray inhibitor, it's 48 in. high, 32 in. in dia. at the top opening, and weighs 120 lbs.
"It's built to withstand sub-zero temperatures without cracking, " says Alberico. "You can bury it completely in the ground, or partially buried and camouflaged with stalks, weeds or straw."
There's room inside for a folding chair and built-in storage compartments for storing two guns, shells, decoys and bagged game.
Sells for $395.
Contact D and L Mfg., Daryl and Linda Alberico, RR 2 Box 219-A, Willows, Cal. 95988 (ph 916 934-3281).

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