1997 - Volume #21, Issue #3, Page #38
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Fake Coyote Scares Geese Away
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"We've tried white flags, a propane cannon, and a .22 rifle," says Davis, Ankeny, Ore. "As for the fake coyote, you have to move it every day or the geese get used to it. We set it right out in the middle of the field they land in. I'm considering getting two more and placing them in line to simulate packs like coyotes travel in. That might keep geese guessing more than one does.
"The coyotes, which are actually sold in sportsmens magazines as archery tar-gets, measure 36 in. long and stand 23 in. high at the shoulder. They sell for $89.99.
"One method that also works well it to tether a big, barking dog in the middle of the field on a 100-ft. cable and set out a dog house for it so you can keep it in the field around the clock," Davis adds.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cabella's, 812 - 13th Ave., Sidney, Neb. 69160-8888 (ph 800 237-8888).

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