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Rotating Chains
Using large rotating chains that simply drag along the ground to level fields is a concept that has caught on fast in Australia. Farmers simply use large link chain with blades or spikes fitted to each link to give more "roll" to the chain and work residue into the top inches of the soil. Unlike conventional field harrows, they don't plug up with trash.
Now we've taken the concept one step further by replacing chain links with short lengths of tubing linked together and fitted with "blades" that do everything other chain- type units do plus they chop the straw, making it possible to come in right after it with a seed drill or planter. It has been received with tremendous enthusiasm by farmers who've seen it because of its aggressive tilling action and the way it leaves the soil perfectly level. 
Austin Ryan
Ryan Scaravators Pty. Ltd.
Box 50
Warracknabeal 3393
Victoria, Australia

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #2