1986 - Volume #10, Issue #5, Page #16
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Nifty Feed Dispenser
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The 5 ft. dia. drum is 2 ft. wide and holds approximately 30 bu. of grain or pellets. A single, adjustable rectangular opening (12 in. by 22 in.) dispenses a small 2 to 5 gal. pile of feed on every rotation. "The piles of feed are 15 ft. apart and there's enough in each for 6 to 10 head of cattle. There's no fighting among animals to compete for feed and one man does the feeding right from the driver's seat," Bishell points out. "The drum, equipped with ground-driven cleats for traction, presses out a 2 ft. wide trough in snow to eliminate feed waste."
Three models of the "Nifty" dispenser are available:
Truck-Mounted Model: It's designed for use in conjunction with a truck-mounted big bale handler. The same arms used to lift a big bale in and out of the pickup bed are used to grab, carry and operate the drum. "With this hookup, you can carry grain and hay to cattle and other livestock in one trip, and feed 300 or more head in one trip right from the driver's seat," says Bishell. The drum, made of 10 ga. steel, weighs 500 lbs. empty. A trap door, plus inside flighting, allow the drum to be lowered to the ground for mixing supplement with the feed, if desired, prior to feeding.
Trailer Model: The drum is available with a tailor-made trailer for towing behind a truck or tractor. The trailer-mounted drum can be raised or lowered to the ground hydraulically, or by battery.
3 Pt. or Loader Model: The "Nifty" dispenser readily adapts to 3 pt. tractor hitches, or to front end tractor loaders.
Feed can be loaded into the dispenser via an auger, shovel, or by gravity from an overhead bin. Sells for $1,095 (Canadian), less the optional $1,300 trailer and hydraulics. Dealer inquiries welcome.
For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Goldec International Equipment, 6760 65th Avenue, Red Deer, Alb. T4P 1A5 Canada (ph 403 343-6607).
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