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Stop Shock Truck Tarp
You'll like this "Stop Shock" tarp that makes it possible to fill trucks with potatoes and other easily bruised crops without damage.
The "Stop Shock" tarp is set into place like a trampoline a 2 to 3 ft. below the sides of the truck. The front two corners of the tarp are anchored solidly with chain. The rear two corners are held by heavy elastic straps. The conveyor loads directly onto the tarp. As it fills up, the weight of the crop drops the tarp toward the truck box floor. Once it reaches the floor, crops starts to spill off the tarp and into the box. The truck box then fills up normally. The tarp is left in when it comes time to dump.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, B, Ruthenberg, Gartenbau Landtechnik, Haller Strasse 203, D-4830 Gutersioh 12, West Germany (ph 0524168374).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1